Monday, August 9, 2010

Thoughts About Panic,Stress and Anxiety

Anxiety is a physiological state that's caused by the sympathetic nervous scheme (SNS). SNS is at all times active at the base level (called sympathetic tone) and becomes more active in stressful situations. The flight or fight response occurs from here. Anxiety doesn't need an outside influence to occur. Anxiety is often times based on irrational or illogical fears.

Panic is affiliated to the fight or flight mechanism. It's a reaction brought on by outside stimulus and is a product of the sympathetic nervous system. Panic in general is a sudden fear that can dominate or replace our thinking. Panic usually occurs in a circumstance that is sensed to be health or life threatening. Panic is an anxiety state we're thinking regarding.

Stress is a psychosocial reaction. It's influenced by the way a person filters nonthreatening external events. The filtering is grounded on the person's assumptions, ideas and expectations. These assumptions, ideas and expected values may be referred to as social constructionism.

Panic and stress both play essential roles in the natural survival instinct. The preparations for fight or flight are the body's defense mechanisms. Preparing for which ever course of activity is decided upon to preserve life, health or whatever is in danger.

Anxiety doesn't at all times stem from an actual need for fear or defensive action. Escaping situations that make us anxious can bring relief, but these feelings are enhanced when we face similar situations. This inspires us to escape the circumstance again rather than working through the anxiety.

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